
Compile Error in VBA on LC_UI or LC_Globals

In newer versions of the Lime Core application, the VBA modules has been given a prefix LC_. The code in this add-on relies on the existance of VBA modules called LC_UI and LC_Globals. If they are not present, check for modules called UI and Globals and use them instead.


Strongly consider changing the name of the VBA modules UI and Globals in your Lime CRM solution to LC_UI and LC_Globals as this will be used by all add-ons going forward. Therefore, this will be a recurring issue whenever you are upgrading LIP or installing or upgrading add-ons in the future.

Error: "You are not a registered Oneflow user"

Control that the API token is correct. Check if it is 40 characters. You can also try making an request using the Oneflow API or contact the Oneflow Support.

In some cases the javascript fails to identify the ActiveUser in app.js. If that is the case, try changing it as following:

viewModel.activeInspector = lbs.activeInspector; // if it doesn't work, try: lbs.loader.loadDataSources({}, [{ type: 'activeInspector', alias: 'activeInspector'}]).activeInspector; 
viewModel.activeUser = lbs.limeDataConnection.activeUser; // if it doesn't work, try: lbs.loader.loadDataSources({}, [{ type: 'activeUser', source: {}}]).ActiveUser; 

Changed collection name: "You are not a registered Oneflow user"

The deal card has a read-only hidden field oneflowtoken stamped with the Collection name as written in the VBA code. This value is only overwritten if you change collection from the button Change Oneflow collection. This button is not visible unless there is more than one collection. If the collection name is changed in the VBA while there is only one collection it is necessary to update the deals with the new collection name. Do this either by SQL or making the field editable and mass-update it that way. Make sure to make it read-only again afterwards.

Customer gets an error when trying to create a contract during testing

Make sure the recipient (person) and sender (coworker) in the contract does not have the same contact information in Lime such as email or phone number, since this will not work in Oneflow.